Monday, March 31, 2008

Classics Week 2008

For Classics Week 2008 we will be hosting Dr. Nathan Rosenstein, an eminent historian of Roman military history from Ohio State University. Dr. Rosenstein will give two lectures on Friday, April 4 in Roberts Hall 419, one at 12 noon entitled "Phalanges in Rome" and one at 7 p.m. entitled "War and State Formation: Republican Rome and Warring States in China." He will also be speaking at the Convivium, our annual banquet, the following night, which will be in Huntsville this year at the Wild Flour Bistro on Jordan Lane. It begins at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 5. Seating is limited, but tickets are still available. They cost $25 for students and $30 for non-students. Please contact the Society for more information.